Perfection is for the weak

In the competitive world of branding and business, the pursuit of perfection is often seen as the key to success. However, striving for flawlessness can sometimes lead to more failures than achievements. In this blog post, we will explore how perfectionism can negatively impact businesses, particularly in the realm of branding. We'll discuss the downsides of aiming for perfection, and why embracing imperfection can lead to greater success. We also dive into how perfectionism affected my life and how I deal with it.

The perfect perfectionist

To some it might sound surprising but growing up as a millennial kind of made me a perfectionist. Good was never good enough; there was always room for improvement and making mistakes was often seen as a bad thing. Rarely did we get praised for the things that went well but always got called out if things went south. When I started my career in design it even got worse, we had to align our work by hand within a 10th of 1 mm. Luckily over time computers took over that part, however it was replaced with beauty standards in our design work. I actually learned how to photoshop a picture to “perfection” – how to thin a waste, bloat some biceps and remove wrinkles, blemishes and more… It created this false perception for me that perfection must be achieved before you can achieve anything.

I struggled with that level of perfectionism late into my 20ties. The result was that I rarely finished a project or design and over time I accumulated several unfinished projects that never have seen the light of day. When I started my endeavor as an entrepreneur it all changed. I realized that a lot of large brands & businesses made a lot of mistakes over time; they weren’t perfect at all. Instead, they just kept going and kept doing new things even if the previous attempts failed. It became clear that to grow a business we need discipline and action rather than perfectionism and thinking. Pixel Brand does not pursue perfection and is far from perfect. Instead, we pursue empathy, communication, and creativity to make sure your brand is yours and feels good in the gut of your community.

“Mistakes are bound to happen – strategy is the tool to overcome and adapt to those mistakes.”

The Paralysis of Analysis

Perfectionism often breeds overthinking and excessive analysis, which can hinder decision-making processes. In branding and business, this means delays in launching products or services, missed opportunities, and an inability to adapt to changing consumer demands. By obsessing over unattainable perfection, businesses can find themselves stuck in a never-ending loop of overanalyzing, ultimately impeding their progress and growth.

Diminished Innovation and Creativity

Perfectionism tends to stifle innovation and creativity. When businesses are fixated on achieving flawless outcomes, they become less inclined to take risks or explore unconventional ideas. But innovation thrives on experimentation, iteration, and learning from failures. By embracing imperfection, businesses open themselves up to new possibilities, enabling them to differentiate themselves, connect with their audience, and disrupt their industry.

Unrealistic Customer Expectations

Perfectionism often sets unrealistic expectations for customers. While delivering high-quality products and services is important, obsessing over minute details in the pursuit of perfection can create a distorted view of what truly matters. Customers prioritize functionality, usability, and value over perfection. By understanding and meeting their core needs, businesses can build stronger customer relationships and foster loyalty, even without flawless execution.

Fear of Failure and Stagnation

Perfectionism breeds a fear of failure, as any deviation from perfection is seen as a personal or organizational shortcoming. This fear discourages experimentation, hinders innovation, and prevents businesses from adapting to market changes. On the other hand, embracing imperfection and viewing failures as learning opportunities can fuel innovation, encourage agility, and keep businesses ahead of the curve.

Authenticity and Human Connection

Consumers today crave authenticity and human connection from brands. Perfectionism often creates an illusion of flawlessness that feels distant, unattainable, and even disingenuous to customers. Embracing imperfections and showcasing authenticity allows businesses to connect with their audience on a deeper level, build trust, and form lasting relationships based on shared values and experiences.


The pursuit of excellence is commendable, but perfectionism can hinder branding and business success. By letting go of the need for perfection and embracing imperfection, businesses can break free from its constraints. This mindset encourages innovation, sets realistic customer expectations, and fosters authentic connections. Ultimately, it positions businesses for long-term success in today's dynamic and ever-evolving marketplace.

Thank you for reading and we’ll see you in our next blog!

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